Whole Foods delivered directly to your doorstep, anywhere in the USA.

  • Place your order online at WholeFoods.com
  • Order from any location and select "in-store pickup".
  • We'll pick it up on your behalf and deliver it right to you.
  • The lowest delivery prices. Guaranteed.
Speak to Our Concierge
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
Talk to our Concierge

Tell us which Whole Foods location you’d like to place your order at, and where you’d like it delivered.

Place your order at WholeFoods.com and select “in-store" pickup

Forward your confirmation email to our concierge.

Receive your Package

We'll pick it up on your behalf, and bring it right to your doorstep.

*We'll quote you the lowest delivery price, guaranteed, based on distance and if your order contains frozen items that require ice packs.
Ready to get started?
Speak to our concierge, and experience the ease and convenience of Delivery.me!